Paper Competition 2009 - The Ary Suta Center

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Deadline: March 20, 2009
The Ary Suta Center
Journal/Paper Competition 2009
In association with KIRAN EXECUTIVE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM Theme: Building Competencies, Value Creation and Competitiveness
Fundamental Concepts: Leadership, STrategy and Critical Thinking OBJECTIVE
The ARY SUTA CENTER PAPER COMPETITION AWARD 2009 is held to stimulate the intellectual duscussions and developments on the topic of leadership, strategy and critical thinking in building up [...]

Deadline: March 20, 2009

The Ary Suta Center
Journal/Paper Competition 2009

Theme: Building Competencies, Value Creation and Competitiveness
Fundamental Concepts: Leadership, STrategy and Critical Thinking

The ARY SUTA CENTER PAPER COMPETITION AWARD 2009 is held to stimulate the intellectual duscussions and developments on the topic of leadership, strategy and critical thinking in building up competencies of the nation and creating organization learning for the nation. Therefore, the participants are expected to use the fundamental concepts of leadership, strategy and critical thinking to build competencies, value creation and sustainable competitiveness on the selected topic in tehir respective papers.

The competition is open to public.


* Moral Compass and Caharacter Building in Leadership
* Global Financial Crisis and Its Impact on Indonesia: Managing STrategies and Policy Options
* Executive Intelligence and Corporate Culture


1. The paper can be done individually or by a group of people of maximum three (3) persons.
2. The paper must be an original work of the author and never been published by all means of publication.
3. The participant can only submit one paper into the competition
4. All papers submitted for the competition will become the property of the ASC and all rights and titles, including copy rights and intellectual property rights, are reserved solely for the ASC.
5. All decisions made by the ASC is final and is not subject to any challenge by third party.
6. The format of the paper must conform to the format specified for the competition.
7. The deadline to submit the paper is March 20, 2009 in accordance to the format specified by 5 p.m. WIB. No papers will be accepted after 5 p.m.
8. All participants must submit a completed application together with the paper to enroll in the competition via e-mail or courier to the ASV. The application can be downloaded at No application and paper will be accepted after March 20, 2009.
9. The paper can be in Indonesian or English.
10. The paper must not be only on the theoritical discussions but also on the workability, the implementation and/or the process of implementing such theoritical discussions.
11. The ASC will nominate ten (10) participants to determine the three (3) finalists for the competition. A letter of nomination will be sent to the respective nominees on March 31, 2009.
12. The ten (10) nominees must present their paper in front of panel of judges selected by the ASC on April 8 and 9, 2009. The format of the presentation will be sent to the respective participant together with the letter of nomination. The panel of judges will then select three (3) finalists from the nominees.
13. The three (3) finalists and the winner of the competition will be announced on April 12, 2009 at the 1st anniversary of the ASC.

Financial Reward: Cash
Winner: IDR 15 million;
1st runner-up: IDR 10 million
2nd runner-up: IDR 5 million

Non-Financial Reward
The ASC Certificate for the Winner, 1st Runner-up, and 2nd Runner-up and publication of their respective paper in the ASC publications


1. Prof. I Gusti Ngurah Agung Ph.D
2. Prof. Hendrawan Supratikno Ph.D
3. John Situmeang Ph.D
4. Dr. I Putu Gede Ary SUta
5. Dr. Anton Wachidin Widjaja
6. Dr-Ing Harianto Widjaja
7. Dr-Ing Insan Boy

Please contact our ASC Competition Coordinator, Ms. Mira WUlandari at:
Jl. Prapanca III No. 11
Jakarta 12160, Indonesia
Tel.: (62-21) 739 3224
Fax: (62-21) 727 953 74

The paper submitted by participant in the competition must adhere to the following specifics; otherwise the paper will be automatically disqualified for the competition:

The paper must in principle have:

1. Abstract
2. Background or Introduction
3. Discussions on the underlying principles or theorems used, the applicability of such underlying principles or theorems to address the selected topics, the approach to address the issues in the selected topics looking from the the leadership, strategy and/or critical thinking perspectives, the means of building competencies, value creation, and sustainable competitiveness in the selected topics (i.e., the implementation phase of the respective thoughts)
4. Conclusion
5. Further work or research/study that needs to be done (if any)
6. References (if any)

The paper must conform to the following format:
Font type: Times Roman, 12pt; Line spacing: 1.5
Margins: Top = 1.25 inches; Bottom = 1.255 inches; Right = 1.25 inches; Left = 1.255 inches
Total number of pages including Exhibits, Tables, and References should not exceed thirty (30) pages, but excluding the fornt and back cover of the paper

The front cover must at least consist (i) the title of the paper; (ii) the participants’ names; and (iii) the words: "Submitted for the ASC PAPER COMPETITION 2009" after the participants’ names.

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