Program Miliarder

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The aim of this course is to empower participants to play an active role in the development of public health policies in developing countries. Health policies from different contexts and continents are studied. The process of their formulation and implementation and the evaluation of their results are analyzed. The role of international aid on health policies and the influence of the principles of the market economy on health sector reforms are scrutinized.

The target group for this 8-weeks course are professionals involved in policy formulation and implementation at regional, national or international level working in health care, supervising, regulating or advocacy organizations or institutions (government or non-governmental). The course is experience-based. At the end participants present their analysis of and proposed solutions for a policy problem they experience during their professional practice.


The short course in Health Policy has a study load of approx. 300 hours equivalent to 10 ECTS credits. The course length is 8 weeks, organized through March and April (exact dates see website).


  • The role and levers of the state and mechanisms for financing the health sector (including systems based on health insurance and tax-based systems).
  • The role of international aid in the formulation and implementation of health policies and in the functioning and financing of the sector.
  • Frameworks and tools for analysis of the functioning of national health systems and of the processes of formulation, implementation and evaluation of health policies. Application to own country system and policies.
  • Analysis of stakeholders' interests with regards to specific health policies.

Including the relationship between the Ministry of Health and non-governmental actors (civil society, commercial sector, bi- and multilateral international organizations and the new public-private partnerships).

  • Policy aspects of disease control programs (tropical diseases, HIV/AIDS, reproductive health ...).
  • Country analysis as a synthesis of the course (whole last week; country still to be chosen).


The evaluation of participants consists of three elements: presentation of assignments (25% of total mark), a written test (25%) and an individual presentation followed by an oral synthetic exam (50%). A Credit Certificate is issued for those that pass. Else, a Certificate of Attendance is provided.


The short course targets holders of a master's diploma in public health (MPH) or equivalent and/or professionals with relevant experience in formulation and/or implementation of health policies in developing countries, or researcher hereof.

The course is alternatively organized in English (= even years) and French. Officially attested good knowledge of the course language (French or English; e.g. TOEFL, IELTS, embassy ...) is essential of the candidates from a country where language is not the official language. Candidates for the French course need to prove their competence in reading English.

Application forms are available from the course secretariat or can download from our website and should be returned latest on November 1st. Accepted candidates will be notified end of December of the same year.


You will find information on the exact fee and scholarships in the general ITM course overview and on our website or you can contact the ITM Student Service at education@itg.beAlamat e-mail ini telah dilindungi dari tindakan spam bots, Anda butuh Javascript dan diaktifkan untuk melihatnya . Students from developing countries and the European Union can apply for a scholarship through the ITM (limited number available; for more information contact the course secretariat).

The tuition fee should be paid into the ITM's account nr. 220-05311111-72 (Fortis Bank, Warandeberg 3, 1000 Brussel), BIC/SWIFT: GEBABEBB, IBAN BE 38 2200 5311 1172. Bank charges are at the expense of the applicant.

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