Body Scrub : Melancarkan Peredaran Darah

Meskipun termasuk masih baru di dunia barat, scrub tubuh ini sudah menjadi tradisi di negara-negara timur tengah selama berabad-abad. Gunakan scrub tubuh apabila Anda merasa perlu melakukan pembersihan secara mendalam untuk peredaran darah

Scrub buah jeruk
Scrub buah jeruk beraroma segar dan memiliki tekstur agak kasar yang dapat membantu membuang sel-sel kulit mati dan merangsag pasokan darah. Kulit Anda pun terasa segar dan sehat. Resep di bawah ini cukup untuk lima kali perawatan :

45 ml biji bunga matahari yang sudah dihaluskan
45 mlm bubur oat medium
45 ml garam laut kasar
45 ml kulit jeruk yang sudah diparut
15 ml kulit lemon yang diparut
3 tetes minyak essential grape fruit
botol kaca tertutup
minyak almond

Campur semua bahan hingga merata dan simpan dalam bejana kaca yang tertutup rapat. Ketika siap untuk perawatan, ambil 1/5 bagian scrub. Setelah itu, dalam sebuah mangkuk dangkal, campur bahan dengan minyak almond sampai menjadi semacam pasta. Buka semua pakaian dan berdirilah di dalam bath up. Oleskan scrub tadi di seluruh tubuh sambil dipijat dengan lembut. Berikan perhatian khusus pada area kulit kering dan keras seperti sikut, lutut dan tumit. Bersihkan sisa-sisa scrub sebelum berendam atau menyiram

Pembukaan Beasiswa India Tahun Akademik 2009/2010

Program Miliarder

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Rekan-rekan dan Masyarakat Indonesia,
di Tanah Air

Berikut kami sampaikan info mengenai Beasiswa dari Pemerintah India sebanyak 28 kursi melalui Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR). Bila bermanfaat mohon diteruskan kepada mereka yang berminat, karena umumnya setiap tahunnya banyak peminat namun arus informasi mengenai beasiswanya terkadang tidak sampai.

Bagi mereka yang membutuhkan informasi atau penjelasan tambahan, kami membuka waktu dan ruang untuk tanya-jawab melalui situs khusus yang telah kami sediakan di Terima kasih atas perhatian rekan-rekan.

Semoga informasi ini bermanfaat dan kami nantikan kehadirannya di Negeri Gandhi.

New Delhi, 25/12/08

Hormat Kami,

Dewan Pimpinan PPI-India




General Cultural Scholarship Scheme(GCSS)

Government of India, through the General Cultural Scholarship Scheme (GCSS) administered by Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR), has announced the grant of 28 scholarships for Indonesian students and 2 scholarships for students from Timor Leste for the academic year 2009-2010 in the fields of Arts, Architecture, Literature, Commerce and Science and degree courses in Engineering, Pharmacy and Agriculture. The scholarships are also extended for doctoral and post doctoral courses.
Interested and eligible candidates may download the Application Form, General Instructions to applicants and Instructions to Candidates for filling the Application Form. The last date for receiving application forms duly completed in all respects in 6 (six) copies along with all supporting documents is 27th January, 2009. All candidates will be required to appear in a test in the English language which will be held on 6th February, 2009 at 10.30 am.
For further information of different scholarships please visit:

Candidates applying from Sumatera may send their applications to:
Shri M.L. Chhabra
Consul General
19, Jl. Uskup Agung A. Sugiopranoto
Medan 20152, Sumatera Utara
Ph. 061-4531308, 4556452

Candidates applying from Bali may send their applications to:
Mr. Awanish Tiwari
Deputy Director
Jl. Raya Puputan No. 42-44
Renon – Denpasar – Bali
Ph. 0361-241978

All other candidates from other parts of Indonesia may send their applications to:
Mr. A.S. Takhi
Second Secretary (Education)
Embassy of India
Jl. H R Rasuna Said Kav S-1
Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan -12950
Ph. 021-5204150/52/57

Embassy of India Jakarta:

sumber : WordPress PPI-India:


Program Miliarder

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Software Pembuat Website lengkap dengan Ebook dan Video Tutorial


This module provides health professionals from non-tropical countries an additional training in the diagnosis and management of tropical diseases, topics which are not or only minimally covered by university undergraduate curricula. Health professionals from the South may find this course a useful update on prior acquired knowledge.

The module stands on its own. Yet it is, together with the introduction in international health, making up the postgraduate course in tropical medicine and international health. We advise medical doctors, biomedical and pharmaceutical scientists with little or no professional experience in developing countries, to follow both modules.


This course provides a specialized training on tropical disease for medical doctors on the one hand and biomedical scientists and pharmacists on the other.

Programme of the course for medical doctors:

  • descriptive pathology of tropical diseases in adults and children: history, pathophysiology, clinical presentation, diagnosis and treatment of the most important tropical and emerging diseases;
  • laboratory skills training focusing on use and maintenance of microscope – normal elements of blood – microscopic examination of body fluids for main parasites;
  • clinical decision-making: introduction and exercises in the building blocks of clinical reasoning: predictive power, thresholds, Bayes theorem on a logarithmic scale, complex parallel weighted reasoning; integration of newly acquired disease knowledge in existing scripts and of new scripts in a personal diagnostic framework;
  • pediatrics: tropical diseases in children, differences with adults, differential diagnosis in tropical settings, treatment of children with tropical diseases in low-resource settings;
  • dermatology: tropical dermatological ailments, differentialdiagnosis in tropical settings, treatment for dermatological diseases in low-resource settings;
  • ophthalmology: tropical ophthalmologic ailments, differential diagnosis in tropical settings, treatment for ophthalmologic diseases in lo-resource settings;
  • micronutrient deficiencies: vit A, vit D, Vit B1, vit C, iodine and iron deficiencies;
  • sexually transmitted infections and syndromic approach.

Learning objectives of the course for medical doctors:

At the end of this module students should be able to:

  • master the biomedical, clinical and epidemiological features of tropical diseases and micronutrient deficiencies;
  • perform basic laboratory tests and interpret their results;
  • rank the most appropriate diagnoses according to likelihood, explore a differential diagnosis and discuss clinical management in low and middle income countries through an in-depth analysis of the epidemiological context, clinical epidemiological findings, laboratory and imaging results, taking into account the scarcity of resources.

Programme of the course for biomedical scientists and pharmacists:

  • problem-based cases on tropical diseases and laboratory management;
  • lectures on capita selecta;
  • laboratory skills training.

Learning objectives of the course for biomedical scientists and pharmacists:

At the end of this module students should be able to:

  • describe the natural history of tropical diseases;
  • confer with clinicians on clinical cases;
  • manage a district laboratory in a low-resource setting.


The course uses a combination of state of the art lectures, interactive classes, individual study and practical laboratory work.

The lecturers have extensive experience overseas and come from all departments of the ITM as well as from external institutions. Their field experience and scientific work feeds extensively into the course.


At the end of the course, exams are organized. The theoretical exam consist of multiple choice questions. Furthermore there is a practical laboratory exam and an oral exam. Students who pass the module receive a credit certificate.


The course starts early January and finishes by the end of February (8 weeks).

It is a full-time programme of 240 contact hours and students are expected to dedicate another 15 to 20 hours per week to personal study and group work.


The course is organized simultaneously in French and English.

For the English course, students for whom English is not their first language must provide evidence of a 6.5 IELTS score (or 580 TOEFL score). Exemption from this requirement may be granted to those who completed higher education in the English language.

Students attending the French course are expected to have passive knowledge of English to be able to read and understand English scientific literature, and therefore must equally provide an English assessment certificate.

For biomedical scientists and pharmacists this short course will only be taught in English.


Applicants for this course need a degree in Medicine or a university (master) degree (min 240 ECTS credits) in biomedical or pharmaceutical sciences.

For organizational purposes, a maximum of 50 students is admitted for each language. Places are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.

Application forms can be downloaded from (teaching & training > course overview > short courses) or can be obtained from the course secretariat. For deadlines, please consult the overview table of our brochure or on our website.


You will find information on the exact fee in the general ITM course overview table of our brochure or on our website (teaching & training > course overview).

There are no institutional scholarships for this course.

After approval of your application, the registration fee should be paid into the ITM’s account nr. 220-0531111-72 (Fortis, Warandeberg 3, 1000 Brussel), BIC/SWIFT: GEBABEBB, IBAN BE 38 2200 5311 1172.

Belgian participants who wish to make use of ‘opleidingscheques’ to pay part of their tuition fee ( will be reimbursed later upon submission of the ‘opleidingscheques’.

In case of non-participation due to events outside the applicant’s control, the tuition fee less 15% for administrative costs can be refunded.

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Program Miliarder

Software dan Ratusan Ebook Bisnis sebesar 1.200 MB untuk di download

Software Pembuat Website lengkap dengan Ebook dan Video Tutorial


The high burden of HIV and other STI and the high rates of maternal mortality have put reproductive health at the top of the public health agenda. The 1994 International Conference on Population and Development in Cairo put the discussion of “population control” in a broader development context, focusing on women’s rights and the provision of integrated “reproductive health services”.

The Institute is an internationally recognized centre of excellence for research, training and interventions in HIV/AIDS and other STI.


The course is intended for health professionals and scientists involved in, or responsible for, reproductive health programmes, including HIV/STI, family planning or sate motherhood and draws on the unique expertise of the Institute and its collaborating centres. It combines in-depth knowledge of specific diseases with extensive experience in the organization and evaluation of health services.


Students receive up-to-date training in specific reproductive health problems, as well as the necessary elements for the formulation, management and evaluation of control strategies. The focus is on the appraisal of the public health importance of reproductive health and the development of specific control methods, with an emphasis on integrated strategies and intersectoral collaboration.

The main themes covered include:

  • Sexually Transmitted Infections
  • Family planning and unsafe abortion
  • Maternal health
  • Project Cycle Management & Logical Framework

After completion of the course, participants will have learned how to:

  • Assess the importance of the different aspects of reproductive health problems at national or more local level and critically appraise possible strategies in reproductive health
  • Formulate and prioritize specific strategies related to reproductive health within the framework of the existing health system
  • Implement those strategies within existing health structures, focusing accessibility, affordability and sustainability
  • Monitor and evaluate reproductive health programmes
  • To integrate the acquired knowledge, skills and attitudes to reproductive health problem-solving in their working context.


Teaching consists of interactive lectures, seminars, discussions and practical sessions. There is a strong emphasis on case studies and practical exercises involving participants in the design of control programmes appropriate to their country of origin. Small group sessions are a substantial part of the course.

ITM staff, all experienced specialists in their field, are the major contributors to the course. A number of internationally known experts from other academic institutions and international organizations will be invited to complement specific areas of expertise.


Individual progress, i.e. oral communication skills, participation in discussion and teamwork, is being assessed continuously. At the end of the course students present the results of their personal project in a poster format which is evaluated on content, methodology and format. Students receive a Certificate of the International Course on Planning and Management of Reproductive Health Programmes.


The course takes place at the Institute of Tropical Medicine and lasts 10 weeks from March until May.


Holders of a university degree in health sciences or a professional bachelor in nursing sciences or midwifery can apply by duly completing the appropriate application form (available from MDC-MCM@itg.beAlamat e-mail ini telah dilindungi dari tindakan spam bots, Anda butuh Javascript dan diaktifkan untuk melihatnya or the ITM website, and send it to the course secretariat before 1 November. A selection committee will evaluate all applications on a comparative basis and notify candidates as soon as of the outcome.

Candidates should be proficient in epidemiology, statistics and public health. A Master of Public Health degree (MPH) or a similar training is an asset.

The course language is either French or English, alternating yearly. Please consult the overview table. A good knowledge of the course language, certified by an accredited test or equivalent is required. Participants in the French course are also expected to have a working knowledge of English.


This course has been accredited as an advanced module within the tropED Masters in International Health (MIH) with 12 ECTS credits.


You will find information on the exact fee and scholarships in the general ITM course overview and on our website or you can contact the ITM Student Service at educatin@itg.beAlamat e-mail ini telah dilindungi dari tindakan spam bots, Anda butuh Javascript dan diaktifkan untuk melihatnya . Students from developing countries and the European Union are eligible for a scholarship through the ITM.

The registration fee should be transferred into the ITM’s account nr. 220-0531111-72 (Fortis, Warandeberg 3, 1000 Brussel), BIC/SWIFT: GEBABEBB, IBAN BE 38 2200 5311 1172. Bank charges are at the applicant’s expense.

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Program Miliarder

Software dan Ratusan Ebook Bisnis sebesar 1.200 MB untuk di download

Software Pembuat Website lengkap dengan Ebook dan Video Tutorial


Although diseases conventionally referred to as tropical are by no means confined to the tropics, they represent a high burden in terms of mortality and morbidity in developing countries. Their control is a challenge for these countries and their health services because of the specific context and limitations into which a specific programme has to evolve. Health professionals require an b�ad hocb� knowledge and skills to meet this challenge. The Institute of Tropical Medicine (ITM) in Atwerp is an internationally recognized centre of excellence for its research, training and interventions on diseases such as malaria, schistosomiasis, sleeping sickness, TB, HIV/AIDS and others.


This course draws on the unique expertise of the Institute and its network-partners, combining in-depth knowledge of specific diseases with extensive experience in the organization and evaluation of health services.

The course is intended for health professionals and scientists involved in, or responsible for disease control programmes.


Students receive up-to-date training in problems and controversies pertaining to specific diseases as well as on the elements necessary for the formulation, management and evaluation of control strategies. The focus is on the appraisal of their public health importance and the development of specific control methods, with emphasis on integrated strategies and intersectoral collaboration.


The main themes include:


B7 Malaria


B7 Neglected Diseases

B7 Project Cycle Management & Logical Framework

After completion of the course, participants will have learned how to:

B7 Assess the importance of the different aspects of health problems at national or more local level and critically appraise possible strategies in disease control

B7 Formulate and prioritize specific strategies for prevention and control of diseases within the framework of the existing health system

B7 Implement those strategies within existing health structures, focusing accessibility, affordability and sustainability

B7 Monitor and evaluate specific disease control programmes

B7To integrate the acquired knowledge, skills and attitudes to health problem-solving in their working context.


Teaching consists of interactive lectures, seminars, discussions and practical sessions. There is a strong emphasis on case studies and practical exercises involving participants in the design of control programmes appropriate to their country of origin. Small group sessions are a substantial part of the course.

ITM staff, all experienced specialists in their field, are the major contributors to the course. A number of internationally known experts from other academic institutions and international organizations will be invited to complement specific areas of expertise.


Individual progress, i.e. oral communication skills, participation in discussion and teamwork, is being assessed continuously. At the end of the course students present the results of their personal project in a poster format which is evaluated on content, methodology and format.

Students receive a Certificate of the International Course on Planning and Management of Tropical Disease Control Programmes.


The course takes place at the Institute of Tropical Medicine and lasts 10 weeks, from March until May.


Holders of a university degree in health sciences or a professional bachelor in nursing sciences can apply by duly completing the appropriate application form (available from MDC-MCM@itg.beAlamat e-mail ini telah dilindungi dari tindakan spam bots, Anda butuh Javascript dan diaktifkan untuk melihatnya of the ITM website, and send it to the course secretariat before 1 November. A selection committee will evaluate all applications on a comparative basis and notify candidates as soon as possible of the outcome.

Candidates should be proficient in epidemiology, statistics and public health. A Master of Public Health degree (MPH) or a similar training is an asset.

The course language is either French or English, alternating yearly. Please consult the overview table. A good knowledge of the course language, certified by an accredited test or equivalent is required. Participants in the French course are also expected to have a working knowledge of English.


This course has been accredited as an advanced module within the tropEd Masters in International Health (MIH) with 12 ECTS credits.


You will find information on the exact fee and scholarships in the general ITM course overview and on our website or you can contact the ITM Student Service at education@itg. Be. Students from developing countries and the European Union are eligible for a scholarship through the ITM.

The registration fee should be transferred into the ITM bs accont nr. 220-0531111-72 (Fortis, Warandeberg 3, 1000 Brussel), BIC/SWIFT : GEBABEBB, IBAN BE 38 2200 5311 1172. Bank charges are at the applicantb�s expense.

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Program Miliarder

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Software Pembuat Website lengkap dengan Ebook dan Video Tutorial


This introduction in International Health provide health professionals with a broad and interdisciplinary training. It combines clinical and biomedical knowledge and skills with a systemic approach to health care organization and disease control. The broad perspective of international health policy and specific inputs from social sciences will help students grasp the complex picture of health and health care in low-resource settings. The integration of these different disciplines is a key feature of the programme.

For most students, this course will be the start of a challenging career in international health, while for others, who already have experience working in lo-and middle-income countries, it offers the broad perspective needed before specializing. This module stands on its own yet it is, together with the specialized module on clinical and biomedical sciences of tropical diseases, making up the postgraduate course in tropical medicine and international health. We advise medical doctors, biomedical and pharmaceutical scientists with little or no professional experience in developing countries, to follow both modules.


The situation of health, health problems and health care in this fast moving, globalizing world is extremely diverse and difficult to capture with the language of medicine alone, both in terms of assessment of the situation and of action to be developed. Problems range from the rather simple, technical kind, where evidence is available on what to do, over more challenging ones such as dealing with human beings in healthcare organizations to the very complex processes of decision making at national and international policy levels, involving values, interests and power.

This course offers a theoretical evidence-basis and a basic set of conceptual frameworks, models and tools to enable participants 1) to analyze health problems at a population level and grasp the logic of the strategies to control them, 2) to initiate them in planning and implementation of health care services and 3) to introduce them to the specificity of care provision in low-0resource setting ("medicine in the tropics versus tropical medicine"). Inputs from social sciences and health policy will complete the broader picture of the international health scene.

The course is structured along the following 7 thematic blocks:

1. Vector-borne diseases: a comprehensive approach to prevention and control;

2. Integrated TB care;

3. HIV/AIDS: from patient to policy;

4. Safe Motherhood: a complex problem requiring a systemic approach;

5. Targeting health of the next generation;

6. Health care organization in emergency situations;

7. Health care delivery systems for defined populations.

The thematic blocks are preceded by a 3-week introduction during which students are taught basic concepts and methods in public health, epidemiology and statistics, socio-anthropology and international health policy. The concepts and methods introduced during the first 2 weeks all find wide application within these blocks.

The first three thematic blocks take specific health problems as an entry point for the discussion of important international health issues, while the subsequent four blocks address the provision of health care for specific social groups, hence offering another challenging opportunity to integrate the perspectives of different disciplines including biomedical and clinical sciences and disease control. This module also helps students to develop basic skills in appreciating laboratory results, critical reading of scientific publications and applying basic statistical and epidemiological concepts and methods. Several assignments, organized as individual or coached group work, will challenge participants to integrate the acquired knowledge and skills.

All study units, i.e. the two-week introduction, the 7 thematic blocks and the assignments, are compulsory.

Learning objectives of the course:

At the end of the course students should be able to

  • discuss determinants of health in general and of health care seeking behavior in particular;
  • analyze the main biomedical, clinical and epidemiological aspects of the major health problems in developing countries in order to manage their prevention and control at population and individual level;
  • organize primary health care services taking into account local priorities and resource availability as well as the perspective of communities and patients;
  • describe the major issues in international health policy and development cooperation;
  • critically analyze disease control programs, applying scientific tools and methods;
  • collaborate professionally in multi-disciplinary teams.


The course uses a combination of state of the art lectures, interactive classes, individual study, coached team work and practical laboratory work.

The lectures have hands-on overseas experience and come from all departments of the ITM as well as from external institutions. Their field experience and scientific work feeds extensively into the course.


At the end of the course, a theoretical exam is organized consisting of multiple choice questions as well as integrated essay questions. Students who pass the module receive a credit certificate.


The course run from the second Monday of September until the start of the Christmas holidays in December (15 weeks). It is a full-time programme of 360 contact hours and students are expected to dedicate another 15 to 20 hours per week to personal study and group work.


The course is organized simultaneously in French and English.

For the English course, students for whom English is not their first language must provide evidence of a 6.5 IELTS score (or 580 TOEFL score). Exemption from this requirement may be granted to those who completed higher education in the English language.

Students attending the French course are expected to have passive knowledge of English to be able to read and understand English scientific literature, and therefore must equally provide an English assessment certificate.


Applicants for this course need a degree in Medicine or a university (master) degree (min 240 ECTS credits) in biomedical or pharmaceutical sciences. Other health professionals, such as health economists and health sociologists, are welcome to apply on condition that they are holder of a university degree (min 240 ECTS credits, minimum 4 years of academic full-time training) and have a minimum of 2 years relevant professional experience in international health in low-or middle income countries.

For organizational purposes, a maximum of 50 students per language group is admitted. Places are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.

Application forms can be downloaded from (teaching & training > course-overview) or can be obtained from the course secretariat. For deadlines, please consult the overview table of our brochure or on our website.

This short course is accredited as core module of the Master in International Health of the tropEd network. For medical doctors and biomedical/ pharmaceutical scientists who wish to continue immediately after completing this course with the Master training, at least two years of working experience in international health is a requirement. If the aim is to prepare for a first professional experience in international health no (relevant) professional is required.


You will find information on the exact fee in the general ITM course overview table of our brochure or on our website (teaching & training > course overview).

There are no institutional scholarships for this course.

After approval of your application, the registration fee should be paid into the ITM's account nr. 220-0531111-72 (Fortis, Warandeberg 3, 1000 Brussel), BIC/SWIFT: GEBABEBB, IBAN BE 38 2200 5311 1172.

Belgian participants who wish to make use of ‘opleidingscheques' to pay part of their tuition fee ( will be reimbursed later upon submission of the ‘opleidingscheques'.

In case of non-participation due to events outside the applicant's control, the tuition fee less 15% for administrative costs can be refunded.

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Program Miliarder

Software dan Ratusan Ebook Bisnis sebesar 1.200 MB untuk di download

Software Pembuat Website lengkap dengan Ebook dan Video Tutorial


The Special Course in Medical and Veterinary Mycology is organized annually for students from Europe (normally integrated with their professional practice), or from other continents (generally in combination with other courses at the ITM or elsewhere in Belgium). Due to an increase in the incidence of opportunistic fungal infections (as a complication of immunosuppression cancer and AIDS) the demand for this course in growing constantly.


Participants are given a broad and actualized overview of the field of medically important fungal diseases (fungi and yeasts): besides a thorough study of the most important infectious agents of dermatomycoses. The course also provides an understanding of new problems of life threatening candidiasis, aspergillus infections and other invasive fungal hospital infections. The course will also deal with cosmopolitan and more exotic fungal infections which have become more important due to the AIDS pandemic. A substantial part of the course consists of practical exercises because, in mycology, expertise depends to a great extent on hands-on experience with macroscopic and microscopic features of cultures in specific media.


  • General mycology: morphology, identification, classification.
  • Medical mycology: aetiology, ecology, clinical features, diagnosis and treatment of different fungal infections.


A certificate in Medical and Veterinary Mycology will be awarded to participants who pass both the theoretical and practical exam.


The programme is organized each year between March and June, 1 day per week. In the morning there are theoretical introductions (2,5 hours) while the afternoon is dedicated to laboratory practice (4 hours). This course is organized in Dutch and French only.


Candidates have to be holder of a university degree (medicine, pharmacology, biology, veterinary sciences, bioengineering) or medical laboratory technologists. There are maximum 20 candidates per group. Deadline for applications is 31 January 2010.


In 2007/2008, this course represented 350 points within the Belgian CME system.


Information on the exact fee and scholarships is available from the general ITM course overview, our website or from ITM Student Service through education@itg.beAlamat e-mail ini telah dilindungi dari tindakan spam bots, Anda butuh Javascript dan diaktifkan untuk melihatnya . Your registration fee should be paid into the ITM's account nr. 220-0531111-072 (Fortis, Warandeberg 3, 1000 Brussel), BIC/SWIFT: GEBABEBB, IBAN BE 38 2200 5311 1172. Bank charges are at the expense of the applicant.

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Program Miliarder

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Software Pembuat Website lengkap dengan Ebook dan Video Tutorial


Het Postgraduaat Tropische Geneeskunde geeft gediplomeerde verpleeg- en vroedkundigen een aanvullende wetenschappelijke en praktische vorming noodzakelijk voor de uitoefening van paradedische activiteiten in de tropen en ontwikkelingslanden.

Dit is een intensieve bijscholing van vier maanden die onotbeerlijke kennis bijbrengt op het gebied van tropische pathologie, volksgezondheid en aangepaste benaderingen voor algemene medische en verpleegkundige problemen in otwikkelingslanden.

Het onderwijs streeft naar een geïntegreerde benadering van de diverse aspecten van gezondheidsproblemen en organisatie van gezondheidszorg. Speciale aandacht gaat naar de bijzondere socio-economische en culturele omgeving, en deze cursus geeft het algemeen kader van de problematiek van ontwikkelingslanden en internationale samenwerking.


Het cursusprogramma telt voor een totaal van 20 studiepunten (éé studiepunt komt overeen met 25 - 30 uren studielast) en is verdeeld als volgt:

  • Biomedische wetenschappen: protozoögie, helminthologie en vectorcontrole: 3 studiepunten
  • Volksgezondheid: organisatie gezondheidsdiensten, epidemiologie, voeding, miliehygiëne, hospitaalhygiëne, gezondheidszorg in onstabiele situaties: 6 studiepunten
  • Pathologie: beschrijvende en analytische tropische pathologie, HIV/AIDS en pediatrie: 6 studiepunten
  • Praktijk: laboratoriumvaardigheden, verloskunde en nursing: 5 studiepunten.


Ter vervollediging van dit programme organiseert het ITG met medewerking van Belgische en buitenlandse experts, voordrachten over het algemeen kader van gezondheidsproblemen it ontwikkelingslanden, en aspecten eigen aan de medische praktijk in rurale en urbane tropische gebieden. Verder zijn er een aantal sociale en culturele activiteiten die onder meer een uitwisseling met internationale studenten nastreven.


Op het einde van de cursus worden voor alle vakken theoretische examens georganiseerd, evenals een praktijk examen laboratorium. Een student die niet slaagt kan desgevallend, no deliberatie van de examenjury, herkansen in een tweede zittijd in Juli.

Geslaagde kandidaten otvangen het Postgraduaat getuigschrift in de Tropische Geneeskunde van het ITG.


Van 1 maart tot eind Juni (voltijdse opleiding: van maandag tot en met vrijdag).


Kandidaten die het diploma algemeen of technisch secundair onderwijs en een diploma van verpleeg- en/of vroedkundige (3 jaar postsecudair) bezitten, en tenminste ëën jaar beroepservaring hebben na hun studies (niet noodzakelijk in de tropen) kunnen worden toegelaten tot de cursus.

De cursus wordt apart in het Nederlands en in het Frans georganiseerd.

Het inschrijvingsformulier moet volledig ingevuld opgestuurd worden naar het secretariaat van de cursus met 2 recente pasfoto's, een fotokopei van het diploma algemeen of technisch secundair onderwijs, een fotokopie van het diploma van verpleger / verpleegster en/of vroedvrow (3 jaar post-secundair). Een onderwijscommissie van het ITG oordeelt over de gelijkwaardgheid van de buitenlandse diploma's. Het Instituut houdt zich het recht voor het aantal inschrijvingen te beperken tot 80 en laattijdig ingeschreven studenten te verwijzen naar de volgende sessie.

Inschrijvingsformulieren vindt u op onze website (onderwijs > programma overzicht > postgraduate certificates) of kunnen aanngevraagd worden op het secretariaat.

De uiterlijke inschrijvingsdata zijn aangegeven op de overzichstabel van de brochure of op de website.


U vindt informatie op de overzichtztabel in onze brochure of op onze website (onderwijs > programma overzicht).

Er zijn geen beurzen beschikbaar voor deze cursus.

Na goedkeuring van uw inschrijving, kan u betalen via overschrijving op rekeningnummer 220-0531111-72 (Fortis, Warandeberg 3, 1000 Brussel), BIC/SWIFT: GEBABEBB, IBAN BE 38 2200 5311 1172.

Ann studenten van Belgische nationaliteit die een deel van hun opleiding wensen te betalen met ‘opleidingscheques' (, wordt het bedrag van de ‘opleidingscheques" naderhand teruggestort.

Bij gemotiveerde niet-deelname kan het inschrijvingsgeld terugbetaald worden, verminderd met 15% administratie-kosten.


Het Instituut voorziet geen werkgelegenheid in ontwikkelingslanden aan zijn ofgestudeerden. Het trach wel zo veel mogelijk informatie over vacante betrekkingen in de tropen onder zijn studenten te verspreiden. In dit kader wordt tijdens de opleiding een informatiedag met verschillende Belgische en buitenlandse NGO's georganiseerd. Voor de meeste cursussen betaan syllabi die zonder bijkomende onkosten aan de ingeschreven studenten bezorgd worden.

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Program Miliarder

Software dan Ratusan Ebook Bisnis sebesar 1.200 MB untuk di download

Software Pembuat Website lengkap dengan Ebook dan Video Tutorial


The postgraduate course in Tropical Medicine and International Health provides health professionals with a broad and interdisciplinary training. It combines clinical and biomedical knowledge and skills with a systemic approach to health care organization and disease control. The broad perspective of international health policy and specific inputs from social sciences will help students grasp the complex picture of health and health care in low-resource settings. The integration of these different disciplines is a key feature of the programme.

For most students, this course will be the start of a challenging carrer in international health, while for others, who already have experience working in low and middle income countries, it offers the broad perspective need before specializing. Through its new flexible structure in two modules, students can register for the whole programme or for selected modules.


Module 1: Introduction to International Health (15 weeks, 20 credits)

The situation of health, health problems and health care in this fast moving, globalizing world is extremely diverse and difficult to capture with the language of medicine alone, both in terms of assessment of the situation and of action to be developed. Problems range from the rather simple, technical kind, where evidence is available on what to do, over more challenging ones such as dealing with human beings in healthcare organizations to the very complex processes of decision making at national and international policy levels, involving values, interests and power.

The first module offers a theoretical evidence-basis and a basic set of conceptual frameworks, models and tools to enable participants to analyze health problems at a population level and grasp the logic of the strategies to control them, to initiate them in planning and implementation of health care services and to introduce them to the specificity of care provision in low-resource settings ("medicine in the tropics versus tropical medicine").

The entire module is structured along the following 7 thematic blocks:

1) Vector-borne disease: a comprehensive approach to prevention and control;

2) Integrated TB care;

3) HIV/AIDS: from patient to policy;

4) Safe Motherhood: a complex problem requiring a systemic approach;

5) Targeting health of the next generation;

6) Health care organization in emergency situations;

7) Health care delivery systems for defined populations.

The thematic blocks are preceded by a 3-week introduction during which students are taught basic concepts and methods in public health, epidemiology and statistics, socio-anthropology and international health policy. The concepts and methods introduced during the first 3 weeks all find wide application within the blocks.

The first three thematic blocks take specific health problems as an entry point for the discussion of important international health issues, while the subsequent four blocks address the provision of health care for specific social groups, hence offering another challenging opportunity to integrate the perspectives of different disciplines, including biomedical and clinical sciences and disease control. Module 1 also helps students to develop basic skills in appreciating laboratory results, critical reading of scientific publications and applying basic statistical and epidemiological concepts and methods. Several assignments, organized as individual or coached group work, will challenge participants to integrate the acquired knowledge and skills.

All study units, i.e. the 3-week introduction, the 7 thematic blocks and the assignment are compulsory.

Learning objectives of Module 1:

At the end of the module students should be able to:

  • Discuss determinants of health in general and of health care seeking behavior in particular;
  • Analyze the main biomedical, clinical and epidemiological aspects of the major health problems in developing countries in order to manage their prevention and control at population and individual level;
  • Organize primary health care services taking into account local priorities and resource availability as well as the perspective of communities and patients;
  • Describe the major issues in international health policy and development cooperation;
  • Critically analyze disease control programs, applying scientific tools and methods;
  • Collaborate professionally in multi-disciplinary teams.

Module 2: Clinical and biomedical sciences of tropical diseases (8 weeks- 10 credits)

Module 2 provides a specialized training on tropical diseases for medical doctors on the one hand and biomedical scientist and pharmacists on the other. Its main aim is to provide health professionals from non-tropical countries on additional training in the diagnosis and management of tropical diseases, topics which are not or only minimally covered by university undergraduate curricula.

Programme of Module 2 for medical doctors:

descriptive pathology of tropical diseases; laboratory skills training focusing on tropical diseases and diagnostic tests available in low-resource settings; clinical decision-making; dermatology, ophthalmology, micronutrient deficiencies.

Learning objectives of Module 2 for medical doctors:

At the end of this module students should be able to:

  • Master the biomedical, clinical and epidemiological features of tropical diseases and micronutrient deficiencies;
  • Perform basic laboratory tests and interpret their results;
  • Rank the most appropriate diagnoses according to likelihood, explore a differential diagnosis and discuss clinical management in low and middle income countries through an in-depth analysis of the epidemiological context, clinical epidemiological findings, laboratory and imaging results, taking into account the scarcity of resources

Programme of Module 2 for biomedical scientists and pharmacists:

problem-based cases on tropical diseases and laboratory management; lectures on capita selecta; laboratory skills training.

Learning objectives of Module 2 for biomedical scientists and pharmacists:

At the end of this module students should be able to:

  • describe the natural history of tropical diseases;
  • confer with clinicians on clinical cases;
  • manage a district laboratory in a low-resource setting.


The course uses a combination of state of the art lectures, interactive classes, individual study, coached team work, practical laboratory work and problem-based learning.

The lecturers have extensive experience overseas and come from all departments of the ITM as well as from external institutions. Their field experience and scientific work feeds extensively into the course.


At the end of module 1, theoretical exams are organized. The theoretical exams consist of multiple choice questions as well as integrated essay questions. At the end of module 2, theoretical (multiple choice) and oral exams are organized, as well as a practical laboratory exam. Students who pass a module receive a credit certificate. Upon successful in Tropical Medicine and International Health and biomedical scientists and pharmacists the Postgraduate Certificate in Tropical Biomedical Sciences and International Health.


The entire training programme (Module 1 & 2) lasts 5 months. Module 1 runs from the second Monday of September until the start of the Christmas holidays in December (15 weeks). Module 2 starts early January and finishes by the end of February (8 weeks).

It is a full-time programme of 600 contact hours and students are expected to dedicate another 15 to 20 hours per week to personal study and group work.


The course is organized simultaneously in French and English.

For the English course, students for whom English is not their first language must provide evidence of a 6.5 IELTS score (or 580 TOEFL score). Exemption from this requirement may be granted to those who completed higher education in the English language.

Students attending the French course are expected to have passive knowledge of English to be able to read and understand English scientific literature, and therefore must equally provide an English assessment certificate.

Module 2 for biomedical scientist and pharmacists will only be taught in English.


Applicants for Module 1 and 2 need a degree in Medicine or a university (master) degree (min 240 ECTS credits) in biomedical or pharmaceutical sciences. For Module 1 other health professionals, such as health economists and health sociologists, are welcome to apply on condition that they are holder of a university degree (min 240 ECTS credits, minimum 4 years of academic full-time training) and have a minimum of 2 years relevant professional experience in international health in low-or middle income countries.

For organizational purposes, a maximum of 50 students is admitted for each language. Places are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.

Application forms can be downloaded from (teaching & training > course overview > postgraduate certificates) or can be obtained from the course secretariat. For deadlines, please consult the overview table of our brochure or on our website.

Module 1 is accredited as core module of the Master in International Health of the tropEd network. For medical doctors and biomedical/pharmaceutical scientists who wish to continue immediately after completing Module 1 with the Master training, at least two years of working experience in international health is a requirement. If the aim is to prepare for a first professional experience in international health no (relevant) professional is required.


You will find information on the exact fee in the general ITM course overview table of our brochure or on our website (teaching & training > course overview).

There are no institutional scholarships for this course.

After approval of your application, the registration fee should be paid into the ITM's account nr. 220-0531111-72 (Fortis, Warandeberg 3, 1000 Brussel), BIC/SWIFT: GEBABEBB, IBAN BE 38 2200 5311 1172.

Belgian participants who wish to make use of ‘opleidingscheques' to pay part of their tuition fee ( will be reimbursed later upon submission of the ‘opleidingscheques'.

In case of non-participation due to events outside the applicant's control, the tuition fee less 15% for administrative costs can be refunded.

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Program Miliarder

Software dan Ratusan Ebook Bisnis sebesar 1.200 MB untuk di download

Software Pembuat Website lengkap dengan Ebook dan Video Tutorial


Clinical research in low to middle income countries is at the moment often conceived and implemented by specialized (foreign funded) institutions involving local and expatriate staff who pursue an academic career. Local clinicians in regional and national hospitals (even district hospitals) are often operationally involved in the data collection. This leads to frustration as it becomes a mechanic business. These same clinicians, however, are aware that there is much information they could use themselves to do ‘low scale' research to enhance their own decision making. While the former academically oriented clinicians develop their research skills through doctoral study programs the latter miss training opportunities covering their needs. The SCREM aims at filling this gap.

The SCREM targets professionals who are responsible for clinical quality assurance, for local guideline and/or algorithm development and for coaching junior staff in clinical research. More specifically: medical superintendents, heads of clinical or nursing departments, heads of labs pharmacists, all in referral and/or reference hospitals, thesis supervisors in medical schools/faculties/ nursing and laboratory schools, public health staff in charge of development of national or regional clinical guideline.



Starting from a practical question participants encountered in their clinical work, a critical analysis of literature is done and an applied research protocol is identified at the start of the course.

The following contents will be contextualized individually and/or in small groups:

  • Protocol development: from observation to hypothesis, from hypothesis to study methodology and sampling populations;
  • Statistics: basic statistical software use, interpretation and mastering the dialogue with the statistician, how to present statistical information for a proposal, a paper or a report;
  • Presentation of results in a written (abstract) and oral (power point presentation) way;
  • Critical reading: pitfalls in research (bias in hypothesis, in inclusion, in analysis, in interpretation, in applicability);
  • Literature search: how to run a literature search, levels and types of evidence of published research;
  • Principles of EBM & Introduction into constructing and evaluating guidelines and algorithms;
  • IT skills: Excel, Reference Manager, Statistical program (Stata, Epi Info or SPSS)


  • Standard Operating Procedures (SOP);
  • Ethical aspects of research;
  • Research funding;
  • Introduction to principles of GCP.

Learning objectives:

At the end of this course the participant should be able to:

  • Retrieve relevant published articles relative to the research question and evaluate relevance of clinical research results in relation to a concrete low resource setting;
  • Design a research project in the filed of aetiology of health problems, effectiveness and efficiency of diagnostics, clinical management and disease prevention in low resource settings;
  • Apply principles of EBM. This includes the ability to use gathered evidence in guideline and algorithm development and the ability to evaluate guidelines;
  • Communicate research results to both professional and scientific communities in written and oral way.

In addition, the participant will gain basic comprehension of:

  • Pitfalls of implementation of research projects;
  • Writing standard operation procedures;
  • Good Clinical Practice (GCP) and ethics in clinical research;
  • Writing a research grant application including budget and identifying sources of funding for small-scale research projects.


Training in research skills and EBM is a question of "learning by doing" so the course will not be a "rushing through a lot of information" but a hands-on introduction to research and EBM based on a personal project. This method will allow participants to learn while practicing. The course will mainly use adult learning methods. This means a problem oriented training in small groups with regular plenary sessions, coached by a tutor. Throughout the course participants will work on a personal project. Consultants will be invited to discuss specific problems: ethics, statistics, funding etc. based on the different protocols developed by participants, taking them as field examples.


Evaluation consists of an individual portfolio assessment (5 personal pieces of work required: a description of personal learning interests for the course and 4 pieces chosen by the participant from the different assignments in the course) (70% of final mark) and an individual oral presentation of final research protocol, marked by an expert panel (30% of final mark).

Upon successful completion of this course, students are awarded an ITM credit Certificate in Clinical Research and Evidence-Based Medicine.


The program lasts 6 weeks starting from the second Monday of November.

For a work load of maximum 45 hours, some 26 hours will be contact hours: the major part will be group work alternated with plenary sessions, commented by consultants. One morning a week will be systematically free for personal work.


The course is organized in English. Students should be able to read and interpret perfectly English texts. Non-native English speakers or participants who did not use English as course language during previous academic studies should reach a TOEFL score 580 (paper based), 230 (computer based), or an IELTS of 6.5.


The course is intended for the following persons:

  • holders of a medical degree or paramedical university degree of min 240 ECTS credits;
  • with a minimum of two years relevant professional experience in the clinical field;
  • with past or current involvement in one of these fields:

- research and/or application of EBM,

- development of clinical guidelines and/or algorithms,

- coaching of medical or paramedical theses in health sciences,

- teaching clinical epidemiology / EBM;

  • with basic knowledge of statistics and epidemiology (equivalent to the level of a core course in international health);
  • with basic computer skills: Word, PowerPoint, Excel;
  • with good understanding and expressing abilities in English (proof to be provided if university education has not be done in English: TOEFL 580 (paper based) or 230 (computer based) or IELTS 6.5).

No more than 20 participants will be admitted. A selection will be made through the following criteria:

  • motivation mainly based on the description of a personal project (please describe shortly in the application form on page 6, point 6- ‘motivation' a research or EBM project you'd like to work on during the training);
  • involvement in actual or past research / EBM application;
  • scope of professional experience;
  • enrolment in the MIH/tropEd curriculum;
  • future career perspectives.

Incomplete applications will not be considered (e.g. missing signature). The application form can be downloaded from > teaching & training. Applications should reach us no later than 30th April. This course is tropEd accredited.


You will find information on the exact fee in the general ITM course overview table of our brochure or on our website (teaching & training > course overview). The fee covers tuition and all course materials. This does not include accommodation and living expenses. The student service can assist you in finding accommodation.

A limited number of scholarships from the Belgian Directory General for Development Cooperation are available. Only participants from certain developing countries are eligible (countries are listed in the application form). The scholarships are awarded on a competitive basis. Participant scholarships are available for EU/EFTA candidates covering 80% of registration fee.

After approval of your application, the registration fee should be paid into the ITM's account nr. 220-05311111-72 (Fortis, Warandeberg 3, 1000 Brussel), BIC/SWIFT: GEBABEBB, IBAN BE 38 2200 5311 1172. Bank charges are at the expense of the applicant.

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